Mystic musings
The Secret of Reality Revealed
Reality is not unfolding, our perception of reality is.
There is no “time” really. Time only exists as a result of our awareness shifting. This shift of awareness creates an experience that feels like going from moment to the next moment, and to the next moment.
Once our perception faculties become more advanced, we will be able to perceive the past, the present, and the future in a single moment. Therein vanishes the existence of time. There is nothing but the awareness of everything in the now.
Imagine, all of existence took place in 3 seconds, and if you are currently experiencing the 2nd second. Then you experience the 1st second as a memory (the past) and the 3rd second as a yet unperceived imagination (the future). However, if your awareness expands and spans all three seconds at once, then there is only one moment. Only the Now. Time doesn't exist any longer. In other words, the illusion of “time” is a property of a weaker perception that results in a narrow awareness at any point.
There is no absolute time, time only exists as our experience of it. And that experience is necessarily relative because it is illusory. Shaped only by the mind of each individual experiencing this shift of their perception.
Imagine this range of Wedgemount. If I could perceive this mountain in all its forms — as a speck of dust, an erupting volcano, cooling lava, snow-covered, and eventually as a speck of dust again; all at once, I would realize not only that time is an illusion, but so is form. The mountain (and every other object in this existence) is a process, not a static form as we ordinarily perceive. Forms are merely stages in a process that is unfolding. And these processes are unfolding in the now. If only our awareness could hold the entire process at once. Each form super-imposed on the previous, like a hologram.
That is it. The secret of reality. Revealed.