Thanks for the mention, Jacqueline. I couldn't agree more with you that it is better to test out an international move rather than "chuck it all and go".
In fact, contrary to what most people might think, many worldschooling parents (us included) do anything but chuck it all. I can speak for my own approach which included first, doing a 5 week-long pilot trip in the South Pacific. And only when we had enough learning from it, did we then go for a longer road trip across the US, a trip in Europe and then eventually to Asia. In fact, we did not set off on our journey (which we had already decided would be for one year only) until 6 months into our sabbatical. Eventually we traveled for a total of 1.5 years instead of one, and had it not been for Covid, we'd have probably spent 6 more months, this time in a single place before coming back.
There was quite a bit of financial planning involved too, more of which I share on my Medium posts on travel schooling.
As we plan to set off and explore, I think this measured approach you talk about is a much saner way.